Email Notifications for Google Forms

How to automatically send emails in response to a Google form Submit?

Set up an email notification that can be triggered by a Google form submit. The content of the email can be personalized based on the user's response.

Video tutorial

Watch this quick tutorial or follow the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to send personalized email notifications from Google Forms automatically on a new Google form submit.

If you have not done so already, install Mail Merge add-on for Google Forms

Introduction to best mail merge for Google Forms

Mail Merge add-on is free to install, works from four Google Workspace apps, benefits from free 24/7 support, and it is packed with useful features that make mail merging easy. All of this means that Mail Merge is the best mail merge add-on available.

The steps below detail:

Step 1: Start Mail Merge add-on

Start Mail Merge add-on by clicking on Add-ons > Mail Merge.

Step 2: Click Start

Click on Start to open the Mail Merge dialog box.

Step 3: Configure automatic emails 

From the Google Forms Mail Merge dialog box:

Step 4: Type mail merge email template

Type your Google Forms auto-response email template and give your template a name.

Step 5: Insert and format text or *|merge fields|*

Insert *|merge fields|* into your Google Forms auto-response email template by clicking in the desired location within the mail merge template, selecting a field from the Add Merge Field drop-down menu, and clicking  on Add.

Repeat this step for all required *|merge fields|*.

*|Merge fields|* are the questions from your form. In your personalized Google Forms email notification, your *|merge field|* displays the recipient's response to the selected question from the Google form and sends an email based on the response. You can change the (font, color, size, etc.) of the *|merge fields|* in the same way you would regular text. You can further customize your Google Form auto reply email template by adding images, file attachments, and hyperlinks.

Step 6: Save personalized email template

Click on Save when you have finished editing your Google Forms confirmation email template.

Step 7: Enable automatic emails 

Select one of the options below:

Once you click on Save, your Google Forms auto-reply emails are enabled. Each time you receive a new Google form submit, Mail Merge automatically sends a notification email from Google Forms in response.

To turn off your Google Forms auto-reply emails, click on Add-ons > Mail Merge > Start, and then select No from the Send this Email on a Form Submit drop-down menu. You can re-enable your auto-response emails from Google Forms at any time by selecting Yes from the Send this Email on a Form Submit drop-down menu.

Merged Personalized Google Forms Confirmation Email Example

Why the Quicklution Mail Merge add-on is the best mail merge for Google Docs:

Check out the other add-ons of Quicklution for Google Workspace, including Avery Label Merge add-on.